Conciliation and co-responsibilty

Sala de lactación do edificio Filomena Dato

Work-life balance is one of the keys to achieving greater equality between women and men in today's society. The Universidade de Vigo must become a reference for society as a whole, in order to place the "sustainability of life" at the centre of our institution and thus humanise it.

Guide for the conciliation of personal, family and work life of the UVigo staff

This informative guide compiles the rights and possibilities available to the UVigo staff  to balance their personal, family, and work life. The guide is for guidance purposes and should be consulted with the appropriate services in each situation, according to the circumstances and applicable legislation.


Lactation rooms

Lactation rooms are a comfortable and private space for exclusive use to breastfeed or express milk in peace and quiet. They are places with ventilation and warm lighting and have suitable furniture and appliances that allow milk to be conserved. 

Following WHO recommendations, at the Universidade de Vigo we have this option available for those who choose to breastfeed and need to use this resource on the three university campuses.  

Ourense Campus

Rosalía de Castro Library (entry hall)


Pontevedra Campus

Faculty of Fine Arts (first floor)
School of Forestry Engineering (ground floor)


Vigo Campus

Edificio Filomena Dato (second floor)
CINBIO Olimpia Valencia Building (Module 4, 3.º piso)
Ecimat (Thinking Corner, first floor)

Positive actions

Equal masculinities

Homes de coidado

Collaborative publication promoted by UVigo Equality Unit, within the framework of the III Plan for Equality between Women and Men of the Universidade de Vigo (2020-2024) with the financial support of the Department of Social Policy and Equality of the Xunta de Galicia through the Corresponsables Plan. Homes de coidado aims to provide a resource to promote reflection on caring masculinities in the university community as a whole, with men as the main protagonists and recipients.

More resources

Reports and other interesting documents

This section includes the studies written by the three Galician public universities, with the support of the Xunta de Galicia, about co-responsibility, the distribution of domestic work and care in Galicia as part of the implementation of the Corresponsables Plan 2023:



Further information:

Equality Unit
Edificio Ernestina Otero
As Lagoas, Marcosende
36310 Vigo
+34 986 813 419
