Dúas estudantes con libros no exterior do MTI

Gender perspective in teaching and training

The gender perspective in higher education teaching is one of the fundamental strategies to promote effective equality between women and men.

Nowadays, there is a prolific regulatory framework that indicates it: Organic Law 1/2004, 28 December, on comprehensive protection measures against gender violence, Law 14/2011, on science, technology and innovation, Law 6/2013, 13 June, on the Galician university system, the current State Pact against Gender Violence and the successive equality plans of the Universidade de Vigo, among others.

Teaching practices that have a gender perspective in mind, stimulating critical thinking and promoting gender equality, at the Universidade de Vigo must place equality between women and men at the heart of our institution and become a social reference.

This initiative, which aims to meet the gender training needs of the university community, was developed by the Equality Unit and the Training and Educational Innovation area of the Universidade de Vigo, with the financial support of the State Pact against Gender Violence.


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Web of the virtual training itinerary on gender


The Egeria Awards for the inclusion of gender perspective in the TFG and TFM of the Universidade de Vigo aim to reward those who, with effort and involvement, work to consolidate gender studies and generate a feminist epistemology in any field of knowledge. The award is named after the Galician woman Egeria, an intrepid woman, a traveller and a writer, who in the 4th century first narrated her travels through letters with her friends.

Many research projects have been recognised with this award since the first call for applications in 2014, which demonstrates new researchers great value  and willingness to incorporate a gender perspective in their training and professional development.

In accordance with the regulations on transparency and access to public information and the protection of personal data, those who access the identifying data of the authors of the TFG and TFM published in this directory will not be able to use them for any purpose other than their consultation without the prior authorisation of the person who owns them, and will be held entirely responsible in the event of non-compliance.


Guidelines for university teaching with a gender perspective is a collection of 27 thematic guides originally promoted and published in Catalan by the Xarxa Vives d'Universitats and translated to Galician, within the framework of the initiatives financed with funds from the Government Agreement against Gender Violence and developed by the equality offices of the Galician university system.

It offers proposals, examples of good practices, teaching resources for a university teaching without gender bias in different disciplines and fields of knowledge: 

The collection, published by the three Galician public universities, responds to the interest of providing didactic teaching material to university teachers, in order to encourage, facilitate and promote the inclusion of the gender perspective in the subjects taught in Galician higher education.

Below you can watch the video of the presentation of the guides that took place on 10th September 2020.


Since 2013, the gender equality units of the three Galician universities have been working together to create the Xornadas Universitarias Galegas en Xénero (Xugex), a meeting point for teaching and research staff who work with a gender perspective.

The following is a list of all the editions that have taken place up to the present day:



For more information, you can contact:

Equity Unit
Edificio Ernestina Otero
As Lagoas, Marcosende
36310 Vigo
+34 986 813 419
