Attention unit for students with special educational needs (Unaten)
Unaten is a unit tasked with the organization, management and control of university resources, information, and activities for students with special educational needs.
Some of the functions of Unaten are:
- Advise and inform about the resources available at the University of Vigo with the purpose of service to diversity and how to gain access to these.
- Develop and keep a record of students with special educational needs.
- Inform and advise professors and service staff that interact with this group.
- Suggest partnerships with other institutions in order to facilitate the development of joint actions for the service of this group.
- Raise awareness among the university community of the challenges this group faces and ensure that information and communication about the subject is available at the University of Vigo.
For further information, you can reach out to:
Campus de Vigo
Sección de Extensión Universitaria
+34 986 813 626
Campus de Ourense
Área de Servizos á Comunidade
+34 988 387 089
Campus de Pontevedra
Área de Servizos á Comunidade
+34 986 801 949