Dissemination of research
Our priority strategic objective is to reach the public as a whole and raise awareness of the repercussions and profitability of research work in all areas.
Our research activity and our results are disseminated through various media. You can access them from the main menu on this page or below.
Scientific production
To access our research production, you can consult Investigo, the UVigo’s Institutional Repository. Investigo gathers, diffuses, and preserves the research staff’s scientific production. It contains articles, books, chapters or sections of books, contributions to congresses, and doctoral theses that have been read at the university. If you want to find out how to use Investigo, you can visit our page.
Publications service
The service’s main functions are to edit, diffuse, and exchange the research work done by the UVigo as well as other works of cultural and scientific interest. Additionally, it can also undertake printing work.
Access the publications service
Press Office
The press office provides a service to both the university community and the media. It informs on all fields of academic and research activity at the campuses of Vigo, Ourense, and Pontevedra. By diffusing news, the press office promotes knowledge from the UVIgo in the society it belongs to.
Social diffusion of research results
The Scientific and Innovations Culture Unit (UCC+i) produces a variety of materials and holds various events to tell society about what we do at the UVigo and about the research findings from the different groups.