Exteriores da Biblioteca Central do Campus de Vigo

Publishing Service

The main functions of the Publications Service are the publication, dissemination and exchange of research work carried out at the university and other works of cultural and scientific interest.

This service, which reports to the Office of the Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Transfer, is responsible for the development and publication of books, monographs and periodicals. A committee chaired by the director and made up of representatives of the teaching staff, students and administrative staff will establish the priority of the editions and ensure the efficiency and quality of the service. The publishing, distribution, exchange and sale of UVigo publications is the exclusive responsibility of this service, unless the Governing Council expressly authorises otherwise.

Since 1993, when the Publications Service was founded, more than 380 titles have been published. In recent years, the number of works published by this service has increased.

Uvigo Publications Service is a member of the Union of Spanish University Publishers (UNE).

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Catalogue: books and journals

The Publications Service provides users with a catalogue containing complete information on the service's publications ordered by the collections in which they appear: monographs in the humanities and legal-social sciences (red band), technological and scientific monographs (blue band), teaching manuals (green band), conference proceedings (yellow band). We also publish tributes, classics of science, knowledge  dissemination breviaries, linguistic materials and special volumes outside the collection.

From 2020, as part of our policy of promoting free open access and 18 months after the copies have been put into circulation, the published works will be made public under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 licence. From their file, the volumes can be consulted in free open access through the catalogue available on this page.

Revistas UVigo is the official website of the Publications Service, that brings together the journals published by the service in open electronic format with the Open Journal System.


Consorcio Editorial Galego, S.A. Avda. da Estación, 25
36812 Redondela
+34 986 405 051
Librería Versus Rúa de Venezuela, 80
36204 Vigo
+34 986 420 223
Libraría Cartabón Rúa de Urzáiz, 125
36205 Vigo
+34 986 372 883
Librería Mendinho Avda. de Castelao, 7
36209 Vigo
+34 986 296 702
Kathedra Librería Universitaria Rúa de Valle Inclán, 14
32004 Ourense
+34 988 224 451
Librería Eixo Rúa do Cardenal Quevedo, 36
32004 Ourense
+34 988 255 983
Libraría Paz Rúa da Peregrina, 29
36001 Pontevedra
+34 986 860 471
Libería Metáfora Rúa de Charino 9
36002 Pontevedra
+34 986 864 502
Grupo Libromares Avenida del Sur, 8
Polígono La Postura
28343 Valdemoro (Madrid)
+34 913 541 671
Pórtico Librerías, S.L. Rúa Muñoz Seca, 6
50005 Zaragoza
+34 976 350 303; +34 976 557 039
Unebook, Libros Universitarios Librería da UNE
ES (Espacio UNE, Librería do BOE) Rúa Trafalgar, 27
28010 Madrid
+34 913 697 253; +34 915 996 691
pedidos@unebook.es; libreria@une.es
Publicacions Universitat de València Arts Gràfiques, 13, annex Geogr.
46010 Valencia
+34 963 864 115



Publications Service Calls

Through the following link you can access the calls published by the Publications Service.



Further information:

Servizo de Publicacións
Edificio da Biblioteca Central 
Rúa Leonardo da Vinci, s/n
36310 Vigo
+34 986 812 235

Contacto GPSR