Ética na investigación na Universidade de Vigo

Ethics and quality

The Universidade de Vigo is firmly committed to promoting ethics and quality in the research carried out within the framework of the institution. All research must be carried out within the limits established by the legal system, including those derived from the ethical commitments assumed by the scientific community and ethical standards.

The Universidade de Vigo shares the spirit of the UNESCO Declaration on Science and the Use of Scientific Knowledge, especially regarding the need that the practice of scientific research and its results should always be directed towards the welfare of humanity, respecting the dignity and rights of human beings and the environment.

It also agrees on the need to take appropriate measures regarding the ethical aspects of scientific practice and the use of scientific knowledge and its applications.

The European Charter for Research Staff, to which the Universidade de Vigo has adhered since 2016, stresses that research staff must observe the recognised ethical practices and fundamental ethical principles corresponding to their disciplines, as well as the rules contained in national, sectorial, or institutional codes of ethics.

Ecosystem for quality management in research 

Further information



Vicerreitoría de Investigación, Transferencia e Innovación
Edificio Filomena Dato
As Lagoas, Marcosende
36310 Vigo
+34 986 813 597

Área de Calidade
Edificio Ernestina Otero, 3º andar
Campus universitario
36310 Vigo

+34 986 813 447