HRS4R excellence in research

HRS4R (Human Resources Strategy for Researchers), a human resources strategy for researchers


Logotipo do selo HR


In 2017, the European Commission recognized the Universidade de Vigo with the HR Excellence in Research Award accreditation and also with the Seal of Excellence. 

The HR Excellence in Research  recognition represents our commitment to continuous improvement and making progress by aligning our human resources strategies and policies with the 40 principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (the Charter and the Code). 

The Charter and the Code (C&C) bring together a set of principles and general requirements for researchers and also for employing and/or funding entities. Their implementation by research institutions makes them more attractive to individuals seeking a new employer or host for their research project. 

The EC's HRS4R program supports research institutions and funding organizations in the implementation of the Charter and the Code in their policies and practices, with the aim of contributing to the consolidation of an unified and open ERA, European Research Area, based on an internal market where researchers, scientific knowledge, and technology circulate freely.

The Seal of Excellence is a prestigious endorsement designed to support outstanding applicants of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) whose proposals show exceptional potential but cannot be funded with the current EC budget.


UVigo made a commitment to implement these standards in 2016. A multidisciplinary team led an internal analysis, with representatives of the governing bodies and researchers from all fields of knowledge. This GAP analysis resulted in the identification of areas for improvement and the definition of a strategy for the implementation of the principles of the Charter and the personalised Code (2017-2019 action plan). 

During the implementation of this action plan, new objectives and areas for improvement were identified, as reflected in the mid-term review report and in the revised action plan (2019-2022). The mid-term review of the EC i 2019 had a favourable outcome.

We are now working towards the fourth phase of the process by implementing the HR strategy and action plan 2019-2022.

See the institutional documentation associated with this process:


The research staff recruitment strategy is based on the principles of open, transparent, merit-based selection and recruitment, and internationally comparable (OTM-R) as defined in the Code.

The University recognises the need for research centres and other R&D+i units to be able to recruit research staff in the most streamlined way possible, while incorporating selection and recruitment methods and best practices in accordance with current legislation.
HR Research assists and advises both applicants and research centres, R&D+i units and services in the recruitment of research personnel.

  • OTM-R Analysis
  • UVigo OTM-R Policy approved by the Governing Council on 26 December 2023 GL | ES | EN

Recruitment at UVigo

 If you want to know more about the procedure for the recruitment of research staff at the Universidade de Vigo, click  here.


Access to EURAXESS -Researchers in Motion and EURAXESS Spain to find all the information on information and support services for research staff.



Office of the Vice-Rector for Research, Transfer and Innovation
Edificio Filomena Dato
As Lagoas, Marcosende
36310 Vigo
+34 986 813 597

Quality Area
Edificio Ernestina Otero
As Lagoas, Marcosende
36310 Vigo

+34 986 813 447

HR Seal
Edificio Filomena Dato
As Lagoas Marcosende
36310 Vigo
+34 986 130 325