PhD programmes

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Material de laboratorio

A oferta formativa da Eido consta de diferentes programas de doutoramento agrupados nos seguintes ámbitos de coñecemento: Campus de excelencia internacional DO*MAR, Campus CREA, Campus da Auga, humanístico, científico, ciencias da saúde, tecnolóxico e xurídico-social.

Phd Programs


Transversal training activities

In order for PhD students to be able to acquire the competences defined for the PhD degree, the International Doctoral School plans the necessary offer of transversal activities common to the PhD programmes.

The cross-disciplinary training activities organised by the University of Vigo and promoted by the International School for Doctoral Studies are useful for all those who are undertaking a doctoral programme, regardless of their area of knowledge, as they promote training in cross-disciplinary competences during the training stage of the doctoral programme.

All activities are optional.

The deadline for applications is from 16 to 23 October via the virtual secretariat





Máis información:

Escola Internacional de Doutoramento (Eido)
Edificio Filomena Dato
As Lagoas, Marcosende
36310 Vigo
+34 986 813 442