Start of the 2020/2021 academic year

Information for Students

Action measures

UVigo - Internacional 07/09/2020

Action measures at the beginning of the academic year

1. Self-protection measures: do not go to your Faculty or School if you have any symptoms associated with Covid-19 (cough, fever, difficulty breathing, loss of smell and/or taste, diarrhea, sore throat, muscle aches, chest pain or general fatigue). This measure will be applied throughout the academic year.

2. Mask must be worn. 

3. You can pick your reusable and washable mask (only once) with the logo of the Universidade de Vigo, which can be used following the correct hygiene measures , at the “conserxería”  (Concierge) of your Faculty/School.  

4. It is recommended to take a couple of courses:

  • The first one, in order to know how our videoconferencing system works, in which synchronous classes will be taught (in some degrees you will alternate face-to-face and distance monitoring lessons using the tool called Campus Integra; in others you will have online classes combined with face-to-face activities).
  • The second course is for you to understand how our teleteaching platforms work at basic level.

5. You are asked to know, before starting the academic year, who your doctor is and your corresponding health centre.

6. You are also recommended to read the Action Protocol in the event of a suspicious case of Covid-19 at the Universidade de Vigo, which will be permanently updated. 

Action measures at the Faculty/School 

1. Before going to your Faculty/School, please, check the web of the Universidade de Vigo or that of your Faculty/School if you have to attend in person or if you are connecting from the Remote Campus. In some degrees all teaching activities will be carried out on face-to-face basis; in others there will be face-to-face activities and in others, mixed teaching. 

2. Once at the Faculty/School, please, follow the signs on fixed posters and on television screens located at the entrance.

3. Please, bear in mind you must wear a mask, wash your hands at the entrance, and keep a safe distance as you walk through the door and all the way through the facilities. In this regard, the floors are marked on the ground to circulate, preventing you from crossing people coming in the opposite direction. 

4. When you have to use the toilets, please, follow the instructions (on the door) on the number of people who can be inside at the same time (it is calculated based on the size and shape of those toilets). Wash your hands with soap and water.

5. In case you use the cafeteria services, please, be careful. Try to keep a safe distance.

6. We kindly ask that you not to eat in the hallways or classrooms.

Action measures at the classroom

1. Mask must be worn during the class. The instructions of the health authorities must always be followed regarding  the compulsory use of masks indoors, as well on the social safety distance.

2. Please, before entering the class, wash your hands using soap and water or hydrogel.

3. For the purpose of tracking contacts we ask you to capture the QR code located in the classroom.

4. It is recommended to use the Radar-covid application of the Ministry of Health or the Pass covid  application of the Xunta de Galicia.

5. The seats that can be used are marked in class. The use of these seats guarantees that you will keep the distance of a meter and a half with any of your classmates or teachers.

6. Please, always try to occupy the same seat in the classrooms you attend.

7. Classrooms will be disinfected at the beginning of the day. If you enter a class that was previously occupied, you will have disposable paper with disinfectant at your disposal for greater safety.

8. In case of IT lessons: 

  • Classrooms will be prepared so that each stand is individualised with transparent bulkheads. You must, in any case, use the mask.
  • In case of using classroom computers, place a plastic film on top of the keyboard and mouse, which you will throw at the end in the litter bins located for this purpose.

9.  In case of using the laboratories: 

  • In addition to the mask, the teacher will provide you with a face protector, both of which are mandatory throughout the practice if the teacher considers it necessary due to the products used or the subject during the class. 
  • When you have to touch any equipment, you should wash your hands with soap and water or with hydrogel, before and after contact.
  • At the end of the practice, you must leave the material clean and disinfected. Follow the instructions given by the teacher.

10.  After leaving a teaching activity, it is recommended that you wash your hands with soap and water or hydrogel. Of course, you should wear a mask all the time.

11.  Libraries, which will have a limited capacity, will be governed by their own protocol of action.
12.  Measures are planned in the event that all teaching has to be developed online.

  • Check on the website our measures to facilitate the connection (if you do not have the resources at home) or for the loan of material (if you do not have the required equipment to follow the classes).
  • We have a tool for synchronous teaching: Campus Remoto (Remote Campus).
  • We also have a teleteaching platform.

Action measures after the onset of a diagnosed case of Covid-19

1. Following the onset of a diagnosed case of Covid-19, the recommendations of the Territorial Department of Health shall be followed.

2. If your active infection test is positive, you have symptoms of covid-19 or you've been in close contact with someone who has the virus, you must communicate it by e-mail as soon as possible to the person responsible for the covid at your School/Faculty

3.  From the diagnosis, the instructions given by the Ministry of Health will be followed.

4. The health authority and the committee of experts of the covid of the University of Vigo, depending on the number of infections, may order the closure of one or more classrooms, a degree, a master's degree or a complete educational centre.  

Vicerreitoría de Captación de Alumnado, Estudantes e Extensión Universitaria
Edificio Miralles
As Lagoas, Marcosende
36310 Vigo
+34 986 813 586