Pablo received the Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunication Engineering in 2016 from University of Vigo (Spain), receiving the award for the best academic record from University of Vigo, Galician Government and Spanish Ministry of Education. In 2018 he received the Master's Degree in Telecommunication Engineering from the same university, receiving the award to the best academic career by the Spanish Institute of Telecommunication Engineers. In 2022, he received the PhD Degree in Information and Communication Technologies from the University of Vigo, funded by a fellowship from "la Caixa" Foundation. In 2016 he received a collaboration grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education to research on SDN and energy efficiency in communication networks. From May 2021 to August 2021, he joined the Instituto de Telecomunicaçoes in Aveiro, Portugal for a research stay under the supervision of Prof. Jonathan Rodriguez, funded by a fellowship from the University of Vigo.
Since 2017, he is a researcher of the Information Technologies Group at the atanTTic Research Center of the University of Vigo. His research interest include communication networks, mobile networks and software-defined networking. In these topics, he has published 8 articles in high-impact journals (JCR Q1 and Q2) and 4 communications in international conferences. He has participated in 10 competitive research projects (5 EU, 4 Spanish and 1 Galician) and 15 R&D projects with companies. He was a member of the organizing committee of the workshop on cooperative wireless networks (CWN) in 2019, 2020 and 2021, co-located with the WiMob international conference. He was a member of the technical program committee (TPC) of the international conference on broadband communications, networks and systems (BROADNETS) in 2018, 2020 and 2021.
Since 2018, he has given more than 240 hours of teaching at the University of Vigo.