
The University Library is considered a functional unity under a single direction that in order to distribute its services and to offer greater accessibility, it is organised in several service points.

Vigo Campus


Biblioteca Central de Vigo

Vigo Central Library

Rúa Leonardo da Vinci, s/n - ​​36310 Vigo, Pontevedra

Tel.: +34 986 813 825

Standard opening hours: 8:30 am - 9 pm. 

Weekend opening hours:--

Seating: 352 seats

Group study rooms: 1



Torrecedeira Library

School of Industrial Engineering
Rúa Conde de Torrecedeira, 86 - 36208 Vigo, Pontevedra

Tel.: +34 986 813 739

Standard opening hours: 8:30 am - 9.00  pm. 

Weekend opening hours: --

Evening opening hours: --

Seating: 315 seats 



Biblioteca de Ciencias Experimentais

Experimental Sciences Library

Campus Lagoas-Marcosende, s/n - 36310 Vigo, Pontevedra

Tel.: +34 986 812 658

Standard opening hours: 8:30 am - 8.45  pm. 

Seatings: 220 seats 

Group study rooms: 3 



Biblioteca de Xurídicas

Legal and Labour Sciences Library

Facultty of Legal and Labour Sciences - 36310 Vigo, Pontevedra

Tel.: +34 986 812 682

Standard opening hours: 8:30 am - 8.45  pm. 

Seatings: 185 seats 



Biblioteca de Económicas

Economics and Business Sciences Library

Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences - 36310 Vigo, Pontevedra

Tel.: +34 986 812 408

Standard opening hours: 8:30 am - 8.45  pm. 

Seating: 305 seats 

Group study rooms: 2 



Biblioteca de Filoloxía

Philology and Translation Library

Faculty of Philology and Translation
Praza das Cantigas, s/n - 36310 Vigo, Pontevedra

Tel.: +34 986 812 268

Standard opening hours: 8:30 am - 8.45  pm. 

Seating: 200 seats 



Biblioteca de Industriais-Minas

Industrial and Mining Engineering Library

School of Mining and Energy Engineering
Rúa Maxwell, s/n - 36310 Vigo, Pontevedra

Tel.: +34 986 812 208

Standard opening hours: 8:30 am - 8.45  pm. 

Seating: 253 seats 

Group study rooms: 4 



Biblioteca de Telecomunicación

Telecommunication Engineering Library

School of Telecommunicaction Engineering - 36310 Vigo, Pontevedra

Tel.: +34 986 812 105

Standard opening hours: 8:30 am - 8.45  pm. 

Seating: 124 seats 

Group study rooms: 9



Ourense Campus


Biblioteca Central de Ourense

Ourense Central Library

Rosalía de Castro Library
Campus Sur, Camiño Seara B, 4 - 32004 Ourense

Tel.: +34 988 387 192

Standard opening hours: 8:30 am - 9 pm. 

Weekend opening hours: --

Evening opening hours: --

Seating: 400 seats 

Group study rooms: 1 (60 seats, booking not required)


Pontevedra Campus


Biblioteca Central de Pontevedra

Pontevedra Central Library

Social Sciences and Communication Building
Campus A Xunqueira, s/n - 36005 Pontevedra

Tel.: +34 986 802 002

Standard opening hours: 8:30 am - 9 pm. 

Weekend opening hours: --

Evening opening hours: --

Seating: 340 seats



Biblioteca de Belas Artes

Fine Arts Library

Faculty of Fine Arts
Rúa Maestranza, 2 - 36002 Pontevedra

Tel.: +34 986 801 836

Standard opening hours: 8:30 am - 8.45  pm. 

Seating: 108 seats