School and accident insurance
Here you can find information about the health care and accident insurance available:
School insurance
Bachelor’s, master’s or PhD students under 28 years old
School insurance covers students from official degrees that are under 28 years old in the event of a school accident, illness or family misfortune. It will grant medical, pharmaceutical or economical services depending on the issue.
If you’re sick or have an accident, you must go to the INSS with your registration slip (it must appear that you have paid for school insurance) before you go to your health center. If an emergency occurs, you can file the paperwork on the INSS afterwards.
INSS offices:
Ourense: rúa Concello,1 - 988 521 000
Vigo: rúa O Grove, 4 - 986 249 700
Pontevedra: rúa Gagos de Mendoza, 4 - 986 850 823
You can find more information about the benefits, requirements and school insurance application on the Social Security website, as well as in its Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section
Accident insurance
The Universidade de Vigo has a free accident insurance for students named Cum laude. You can find information of its characteristics, coverage, warranties and types in the following link.
The insurance Cum laude may be voluntarily upgraded to Cum laude Plus, which offers more coverage for the additional cost of 10.70 €.
In case of an accident, Artai must be immediately contacted by phone (+34 986 439 600) or by e-mail (
UVigo staff and training interns
Medical care for work accidents on the University of Vigo will be provided through the work accidents insurance FREMAP, which has its own assistance centers (open from Monday to Friday, 8.00 am to 8.00 pm, in Pontevedra, Ourense and Vigo):
- FREMAP assistance centers in the Pontevedra province
- FREMAP assistance centers in the Ourense province
University of Vigo staff that suffer an accident at work. must directly go to these centers, except in the cases of a life threatening emergency, where they must go to the nearest health center or hospital. They must inform the Occupational Risk Prevention Service of the University of Vigo subsequently.
FREMAP is not responsible for the medical care of work accidents from civil servants included in the Special Social Security Scheme of civil servants of the Mutualismo Administrativo MUFACE/CLASES PASIVAS. MUFACE facilitates the provision of health care to its members through agreements with the Public Healthcare System and Healthcare Insurance Entities.
For more information, you can reach out to the Occupational Risk Prevention Service of the University of Vigo.
+34 986 813 605
- Sport and volunteering insurance
Everyone who participates in an activity or sport event organized by the university is insured with CHUBB for sports accidents that aren’t covered by the school insurance or the Cum laude insurance. In case of an accident, call +34 910 84 86 35, state the insurance policy code (ESBSL227835) and explain what is happening to the insured person. They will be allocated to the associated health center for that area according to the issue.
Everyone who participates in volunteering projects directly organized by the university is insured with MAPFRE for accidents that aren’t covered by the school insurance or the Cum laude insurance. In the event of an accident, MAPFRE must be notified as soon as possible calling the phone number +34 902 136 524, stating the policy holder code of the University of Vigo (055-0680117282).
For more information, you can reach out to:
Campus de Vigo
Sección de Información a Estudantes
+34 986 813 630 | 986 813 755
Campus de Ourense
Área de Servizos á Comunidade +34 988 387 102 | 988 387 089
Campus de Pontevedra
Área de Servizos á Comunidade +34 986 801 949 | 986 801 955