International students
Bachelor's Degree students
With pre-university studies from institutions in non-European Union countries or with no international reciprocity agreements
Students who have obtained a qualification, diploma, or studies equivalent to baccalaureate from education systems with which there is no reciprocity agreement. This link lists the countries with which a reciprocity agreement does exist.
1. Homologation of a foreign degree or diploma
To access official degree studies at the UVigo, you need the certificate/decision from the Spanish Education Ministry (Ministerio de Educación, Formación Profesional y Deportes) for homologation of the baccalaureate or the studies that permit university access in your own country. No further exams need to be taken. As homologation is a slow process, inscription requires at least the application form. Be aware that the provisional mark with this application will be 5 (out of 10).
The homologation procedure can be performed in the Spanish consulates or embassies in your country. If the home address you are going to use on the application is in Galicia, you can carry out the procedure through the Xunta de Galicia Education Department (Consellería de Educación da Xunta de Galicia)
2. Specific Competency Tests (PCE)
At the Universidade de Vigo, there are degrees that have an entrance requirement mark of 5, which is sufficient for starting the pre-enrolment process. If you choose a subject with an entrance requirement mark that is higher than your average for homologation (or want to increase your possibilities), you should sit the Specific Competency Tests (PCE), which is held by the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) in your country twice a year: May/June and September.
In these tests you can chose the subjects that give the highest marks for the degree you want to study. You can see the table of marks (weightings) via this link. So, you can increase your average by up to four points (obtaining a 10 in two of the subjects that are more weighted for you).
Results can be consulted online when they are published approximately three weeks after the exams have been held. The final mark will consist of the average between the grade obtained in the baccalaureate (60%) and the grade obtained in the PCE exams (40%) up to a maximum of 14.
3. Pre-enrolment
Once you have your specific competences test (PCE) results, you can apply for a place on NERTA (the compulsory inscription platform for anyone attempting to access the Galician university system). The time frame for doing this is usually in June. The Galician Interuniversity Committee (CIUG, Comisión Interuniversitaria de Galicia) sets the deadline annually in corresponding call:
4. Confirmation of place and enrolment
During July, you should check notifications from NERTA because you will receive confirmation of access to your chosen degree through this platform. When you receive confirmation, you can begin enrolment at the UVigo (in the corresponding period). The university’s academic year starts in September and ends in June/July.
With pre-university studies from institutions belonging to European Union countries or those with international reciprocity agreements
International Baccalaureate (IB) students, European Baccalaureate (EB) students and/or those obtaining a degree, diploma, or studies equivalent to baccalaureate in European Union Member countries or in education systems in states with which a reciprocity agreement exists.
1. Application for the homologation credential
To access official degree studies at the UVigo, you do not need to take any test, you only have to apply for a document called the credential from the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) for the baccalaureate studies taken in your country.
2. Specific Competency Tests (PCE)
If you choose a degree with an entry requirement mark that is higher than the average in your credential, you will have to sit the Specific Competency Tests (PCE), which are held by the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia – UNED in your country twice a year: May/June and September. You can choose the subjects that score highest for the qualification you want to study. You can see a table of scores (weightings) via this link. You can increase your mark by up to four points (obtaining a 10 in two of the subjects with the highest weighting).
Results can be consulted online when they are published approximately three weeks after the exams have been held.
3. Pre-enrolment
Once you have your Specific Competences Test (PCE) results, you can apply for a place on NERTA (the compulsory inscription platform for anyone attempting to access the Galician university system). The time frame for doing this is usually in June. The Galician Interuniversity Committee (CIUG, Comisión Interuniversitaria de Galicia) sets the deadline annually in corresponding call:
4. Confirmation of place and enrolment
During July, you should check notifications from NERTA because you will receive confirmation of access to your chosen degree through this platform. When you receive confirmation, you can begin enrolment at the UVigo (in the corresponding period). The university’s academic year starts in September and ends in June/July.
Master's Degree students
With university studies from institutions not belonging to the European Union
1. Prerequisites
Once you have chosen the master’s degree you are going to study at the Universidade de Vigo, you should ensure that you meet some of the following requirements:
- Hold a university qualification that has gone through homologation and is therefore equivalent to a Spanish qualification that allows access to post-graduate studies (master’s or doctor's degree).
- Hold a university qualification that has not gone through homologation, but which accredits a level of education equivalent to the corresponding Spanish degree and thus allows access to post-graduate studies in your country. In this case, you must present the application for qualification equivalence in the pre-enrolment application. This admission will not imply homologation nor recognition of your qualification for other purposes, but you will be able to study the master’s degree at UVigo.
- You should then contact the coordinators for the master’s degree, which, which you will find on their web page.
2. Advance pre-enrolment
Unha vez teñas o título de homologación ou a solicitude de admisión, deberás enviala á area académica de posgrao. O prazo para este envío adoita rematar a mediados do mes de xuño.Once you have the admission documentation or the homologation certificate, you should pre-enrol on the online application, following the link that appears in the section for master’s degree enrolment of the website. The first period for sending this usually opens between mid-April and mid-May.
Documentos que enviar:
Solicitude de equivalencia do título (PG-01), debidamente cuberta, para titulacións de países non Unión Europea.
Copia do documento de identidade ou do pasaporte.
Copia do título universitario estranxeiro.
Certificación académica dos estudos universitarios cursados conducentes ao título presentado con mención específica ao título a estudos de posgrao no país de orixe.
Plan de estudos.
No caso de que a comisión académica así o determine, poderá solicitarse tamén o programa das diferentes materias para os efectos de comprobar os seus contidos e a carga lectiva.
Antes del 31 de outubro do curso no que a matrícula sexa formalizada, os documentos 3) e 4) deben estar legalizados por vía diplomática nas embaixadas ou nos consulados de España. Os documentos que leven a apostila da Haia non precisan outra legalización diplomática ou consular.
3. Enrolment
Once your pre-enrolment reaches the “definitely admitted” status, you can enrol within the time frame determined by the enrolment call. After enrolling, the postgraduate academic area will process the qualification equivalence application.
With university studies from institutions belonging to the European Union
1. Prerequisites
- Hold a university qualification that has gone through homologation and is therefore equivalent to a Spanish qualification that allows access to post-graduate studies (master’s or doctor’s degree).
- Hold a university qualification that has not gone through homologation, but which accredits a level of education equivalent to the corresponding Spanish degree and thus allows access to post-graduate studies in your country.
2. Documentation
You must send the following documentation to the postgraduate academic area of the master being applied for. The deadline for sending documentation is usually the 20th of June.
Documents you must send:
Copy of identity document or passport
Copy of foreign university qualification
Academic certification of the university studies taken that lead to the qualification presented, including a specific mention that the qualification obtained allows access to postgraduate studies in its country of origin.
If the academic committee so determines, it can also request the programme of the different subjects to verify their contents and attendance hours.
3. Enrolment
Within a period of 10 days, you will receive a response to the application and, from then on, you must carry out the pre-enrolment and enrolment in the time frame determined by the enrolment call. Once enrolment has been carried out, the postgraduate academic area will process the application for qualification equivalence.
Doctorate students
What should you know?
If you are interested in taking a doctorate course, at the UVigo we have what you want. At this link you can consult everything we offer.
1. What should you consider?
- Contact the academic coordination for the doctorate programme or programmes you are interested in.
- Once you have chosen a programme, you should ensure that you meet some of the following requirements:
2. Requirements
- Hold a university qualification that has gone through homologation and is therefore equivalent to a Spanish qualification that allows access to post-graduate studies.
- Hold a university qualification, that has not gone through homologation, which accredits a level equivalent to 7 on the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and allows access to doctorate studies in the country of issue. Acceptance of this does not, in any way, imply homologation of the qualification nor its recognition for any other purpose than access to doctorate studies.
3. Documentation
You must send the following documentation to the Postgraduate Academic Area to which the doctoral programme you have chosen is assigned:
Copy of your national identity card or passport.
Copy of the university qualifications for access.
Academic certification of the university studies taken that lead to the qualification presented, including specific mention that the studies allow access to a doctorate programme in the country of origin.
If the academic committee so determines, it can also request the programmes for the different subjects to verify their contents and attendance hours.
4. Pre-enrolment and enrolment
Within a period of 10 days, you will receive a response to your application, and you will be able to carry out pre-enrolment and enrolment in the time frame determined by the call:
Exchange students
Exchange students under the Erasmus+ Programme and other international mobility programmes.
Visiting students
If your university of origin does not have an exchange agreement with the Universidade de Vigo and you want to study at the UVigo for a complete academic year, you can do so by applying to study as an international visiting student.
This programme allows you to enrol on different courses without obtaining a degree from the UVigo, although at the end of your stay you will receive certification for the credits obtained. When you return to your original university, you can apply for validation of the courses taken.
Further information:
Internacional Relations Office
Edificio Miralles
As Lagoas, Marcosende
+34 986 813 751