What to study
We are a new and dynamic University that changes with you
The educational offer of the Universidade de Vigo is wide. New undergraduate, master and PhD programs that meet the society and the labour market demands. New teaching methodologies – virtual platforms for teleteaching, videoconferences, etc.
Clicking on the menu of this section, you will have access to the information about undergraduate, master, PhD programs and Lifelong learning.
A Universidade de Vigo tamén oferta dúas titulacións enmarcadas dentro do Plan de Excelencia do Sistema Universitario de Galicia (Ultreia 2020) que son o Grao en Enxeñaría de Tecnoloxías de Telecomunicación e o Grao en Enxeñaría en Tecnoloxías Industriais. Podes consultar as materias de ambos os graos na seguinte ligazón:
In order to make easier retrieving the information about undergraduate and master programs taught in the Universidade de Vigo, we offer you an academic guide which allows to filter by academic year, semester, language and faculty or college.
Moreover, you will find information about language and other disciplines courses, expiring degrees, online learning and all the instructions to access to them.
If it is your first contact with the University and you have doubts about which degree you would choose, you may find useful reading the section Student Orientation or watching these videos about our schools and faculties. Click the play button!