It's worth being a mUVer
Here we will tell you what benefits you can enjoy if you become a mUVer:
Representing the Universidade de Vigo
As a UVigo student you have the possibility to represent the university in several ways. Participate in the federated sports section, play in inter-university competitions or consult the entities with which we have a collaboration agreement.
Credits for sporting activities
At the Universidade de Vigo we believe that sport is essential to complement your education. We offer a variety of activities, sports schools and cultural routes that you can validate for FTE hours. If you prefer to be competitive, participation in federated or inter-university competitions can also be validated.
Rights for elite sportsmen and sportswomen
If you are an elite athlete and compete at a national level, in the highest category of your sport or in a similar category, you can join our register of elite athletes to have a series of rights that will facilitate the reconciliation of your studies with your sporting practice.
Among these rights are:
- Choice of timetable to make it compatible with your sporting practice.
- Justification of absences for training or competitions.
- Up to 6 ECTS credits.
- And much more!
Suggestions and questions
In the Welfare, Health and Sport Department we are looking forward to your proposals and suggestions. There are several ways in which you can participate in the Area and make it belong a little more to the student body.
The Universidade de Vigo has a suggestion box where you can introduce any suggestion, complaint or question you consider necessary.
- Collaborate with us
Another way of participating in the area is through some of the programmes available to students. For example, we offer the possibility of being a centre promoter up to a maximum of 30 hours per academic year, collaborating in sporting events and more! You can consult the offers and register at the following link. - Your events board
You have at your disposal a board where you can publish any activity related to the sport you are organising or consult the activities published by other students or groups. Log in now and sign up!
Para máis información, podes contactar coa Sección de Extensión Universitaria:
Campus de Vigo
+34 986 813 626
Campus de Ourense
+34 988 387 102
Campus de Pontevedra
+34 986 801 949 | 986 801 955