The journey to your campus is easy and comfortable. You have many alternatives and great discounts. Take advantage of them!
Vigo, Ourense and Pontevedra have a network of urban buses with several routes that reach the university campuses with great discounts on ticket prices for students.
Getting to Vigo Campus (As Lagoas, Marcosende)
- From Vigo
Vitrasa is the bus service that exists in the city of Vigo.
All students enrolled in a faculty or school on the Vigo campus can apply for the University PassVigo card, with a special rate per trip. The card can be requested online at any time at, without going to any office in person.
You can use the Vitrasa website or the Moovit and Vigo App applications to check all the timetables and routes of the lines.
- From Pontevedra and Marín
Getting to Ourense campus
- From Ourense
- From Vigo (to Ourense bus station)
Getting to Pontevedra campus
- From Vigo
Carpooling, also known as collaborative mobility, consists of the driver of a car sharing the available seats with other passengers on his or her regular routes. Passengers usually pay an amount to help cover fuel and maintenance costs.
Carpooling apps:
- Amicoche
- Blablacar
- Carpling
- Journify
- Waze Carpool: integrated in Waze app
Puntos de recarga de vehículos eléctricos
La UVigo tiene a disposición de los miembros de la comunidad universitaria un servicio gratuito de postes de recarga para vehículo eléctrico distribuidos en los tres campus.
Campus de Vigo
- Párking en frente a Filomena Dato
- Párking inferior de la EEI (sede del campus)
- Párking del Edificio de Ciencias Experimentales
- Párking de la Facultad de Filología y Traducción
Campus de Ourense
- Acera vial del párking exterior del Edificio Campus Auga
- Interior del páking exterior del edificio Politécnico/Unidade Administrativa
Campus de Pontevedra
- Párking de la Facultad de Comunicación
Todos los postes tienen una potencia de 22 kW con dos tomas de corriente
Para poder utilizar el punto de recarga es necesario habilitar la tarjeta universitaria mediante el formulario disponible en la secretaría virtual.
En caso de no disponer de la tarjeta en formato físico, deberá solicitarse ésta al administrador del centro indicando su uso.
Circular bus route on Vigo Campus
A free circular bus service is available on Vigo Campus for students and staff from the hall of residence to the commercial area.
1. Hall of residence
2. Sports building
3. Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences
4. Faculty of Philology and Translation
5. Faculty of Law and Labour Sciences
6. Citexvi
8. Experimental Sciences Building
9. School of Industrial Engineering
10. School of Telecommunication Engineering
11. Commercial area
12. Hall of residence
From the hall of residence:
8:45 h | 8:55 h | 9:50 h | 10:00 h | 10:50 h | 11:00 h | 11:50 h | 12:00 h
From the commercial area:
12:45 h | 12:55 h | 13:45 h | 13:55 h (time at the hall of residence: 12:50 h | 13:00 h | 13:50 h | 14:00 h)
Bus service for Vigo Campus staff
Moreover, a bus service for the University staff is available from Vigo to the campus As Lagoas, Marcosende. Next the timetables and the bus stops are specified:
Train or coach
Regarding transportation from outside the city centres, there are bus or train connections with the nearby cities. You can check all the information clicking on these links:
Walking or cycling
The best option for the urban campus of Ourense, Pontevedra and Vigo. Unhurriedly and for free, enjoying the landscape, practicing sport and protecting the environment.
For further information, you can contact with the Students Information Service (SIE)
Vigo campus
+34 986 813 630
Ourense campus
+34 988 387 102
Pontevedra campus
+34 986 801 949
+34 986 801 955