How can we help?

The Universidade de Vigo has different programmes and tools to achieve full integration into university life of students with specific educational support needs 

Among the most relevant programmes, the integration programme for university students with specific educational support needs (PIUNE) may be highlighted. This programme is intended to support our students with any of those legally recognised learning needs or disorders. These people will be able to receive:

  • Attention, reception and advice by the UNATEN (University Extension Service) of the Universidade de Vigo
  • Study support (technical support resources ...)
  • Accompaniment in various activities by UVigo volunteers

To be part of the PIUNE programme, students must apply through the electronic site of the Universidade de Vigo, by entering the procedure "SEXT-Inscription in PIUNE" including form Anexo I

People with any other circumstances who need specialised care will also be able to benefit from the PIUNE programme; In these cases, an assessment will be carried out in advance by specialised technicians, who will determine whether or not they are included in such program. On the other hand, they also have the option of resorting to other tools available to the Universidade de Vigo, such as the PAT tutorial action plans of each faculty or school. 


Vigo Campus

  • School of Industrial Engineering
    Xanel Vecino Bello
    +34 986 130 362
    ​​​​​​Enviar correo 
  • Faculty of Trading
    Jacinto González Dacosta
    +34 986 813 745
    Enviar correo 
  • School of Mining and Energy Engineering
    Ana Mª Rodríguez Rodríguez
    +34 986 812 312
    Enviar correo
  • Faculty of Biology
    M.ª Fuencisla Mariño Callejo
    +34 986 812 580
    Enviar correo 
  • Faculty of Marine Sciences
    Nuria Pedrol Bonjoch
    +34 986 812 616
    Enviar correo
  • Faculty of Chemistry
    Emilia García Martínez
    +34 986 813 481
    Enviar correo 
  • Faculty of Economic & Business Sciences
    Lucy Amigo Dobaño
    Desk: 436
    +34 986 813 517​​​​
    Enviar correo
  • Faculty of Legal & Labour Sciences
    Regina Ibáñez Paz
    +34 986 812 025
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  • Faculty of Philology & Translation
    Inmaculada Anaya Revuelta
    +34 986 812377 /
    +34 986 812356
    Enviar correo
  • School of Telecommunications Engineering
    Soledad Torres Guijarro
    +34 986 818 674
    Enviar correo

Ourense Campus

  • Higher Technical School of Computer Engineering
    Reyes Pavón Rial
    +34 988 387 013
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  • Faculty of Science
    Sidonia Martínez Suárez
    +34 988 387 080
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  • Faculty of Education and Social Work
    M.ª del Mar García Señorán
    +34 988 387 180
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  • Faculty of Business Sciences & Tourism
    Francisco Tugores Martorell
    +34 988 368 770
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  • Faculty of Law
    Marta Fernández Prieto
    +34 988 368 826
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  • Faculty of History
    Domingo Rodríguez Teijeiro
    +34 988 387 136
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  • Faculty of International Relations
    Laura Carballo Piñeiro
    +34 988 368 836
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  • School of Aeronautics and Space Engineering
    Arno Formella
    +34 988 387 030
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Pontevedra Campus

  • School of Forestry Engineering
    M.ª Ángeles Cancela Carral
    +34 986 802 075 | 986 801 939
    Enviar correo
  • Faculty of Physiotherapy
    Rocío Ábalo Núñez 
    +34 986 801 754
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  • Faculty of Fine Arts
    Consuelo Matesanz Pérez
    +34 986 801 860
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  • Faculty of Design
    Lola Dopico Aneiros
    +34 986 801 890
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  • Faculty of Education & Sport Sciences
    Antonia Blanco Pesqueira
    +34 986 801 717
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  • Faculty of Communication
    M.ª Isabel Míguez González
    +34 986 802 032
    ​​​​​Enviar correo
  • Faculty of Leadership and Public Management
    Sara María Torres Outón
    +34 986 802 016
    Enviar correo


Máis información: 

+34 986 813 603