Healthy habits
Physical activity
Physical activity and an active lifestyle reduces stress, anxiety, depression and they improve mental health. Physical activity integrated into the daily routine is a powerful tool for the promotion of health and the prevention and management of illnesses. This was proven by a number of studies that suggest that doing moderate exercise for a minimum of thirty minutes, five times a week, cuts the risk of having illnesses caused by physical inactivity such as cardiovascular diseases, circulatory problems and type-2 diabetes by half. Additionally, exercise also helps regulate cholesterol levels, excess weight and obesity.
In the University of Vigo you can exercise at the Wellbeing, Health and Sports Department facilities, the Ourense and Vigo University Sports Centers (C.D.U.) or any of their collaborating entities. Apart from organized exercise, you can carry out an active lifestyle in many ways. For example, you can try to move around on foot or ride a bike as much as possible, meet people for walks, go on your coffee break on a different building, park your car a little farther away from your workplace, get off the bus a stop early, walk or ride a bike to campus, use the lush itineraries and paths to get to know the campus or use the stairs instead of the elevator or the escalator.
Following a good diet is important; not only for your health, but also to keep an optimum physical and mental wellbeing. Your food intake must meet the individual demands of your physical activity and work habits.
Addiction prevention
The University of Vigo wants to raise awareness about the risks of falling into different addictions and offer their help to university community members so they can manage their behavior in a responsible way at work, school and leisure time. Addiction treatments for soft drugs are also offered, as well as referrals to help centers when necessary.
Emotional wellbeing
Learning how to regulate one’s emotions, managing, canalizing and positivizing them is an important part of life. We are constantly attributing affective and emotional meaning to events that happen around us. Learning how to deal with adverse or negative emotions and encourage positive emotions is the key for our wellbeing.
Affective sexuality
We propose different activities in order to promote self-reflection about sexuality and affection, as well as different tools that allow us to develop healthy sexual behaviors. We touch on basic concepts about sexuality, risk behaviors, positive affection and others, and we give information about the resources available in and around campus.
For further information, you can contact with:
Campus de Vigo
Sección de Extensión Universitaria
986 813 626
Campus de Ourense
Área de Servizos á Comunidade
988 387 102 | 988 387 089
Campus de Pontevedra
Área de Servizos á Comunidade
986 801 949 | 986 801 955