PhDs registration

PhD student of the Universidade de Vigo


First pre-enrolment and registration deadline 2024/2025

  • Pre-enrolment: from 2nd to 9th of September 2024
  • Registration: from 1st to 7th October 2024

PhD Studies

First time registration

You can consult the pre-enrolment and registration deadlines for the doctoral programmes:

2024/2025 calendar


To start studying for the first time in a doctoral programme at the Universidade de Vigo, you must access the following link to complete the registration process:




Admission of foreign students to Master and PhD programmes

If you need to apply for a visa or other documents to study at the Universidade de Vigo during the academic year 2024/2025, you can apply for a Letter of Acceptance to Master and PhD studies. The application period will be open from now until 20th of June 2024. You will receive a response to your application within 10 days. 

All the requirements, documentation and application procedures will be published on this link.

In any case, you must also complete the pre-enrolment procedure within the established deadlines.


Registration Renewal

If you continue your studies at the Universidade de Vigo, you will have to do the paperwork through the secretary's office:

Registration Renewal

Deadline: from 1st of September to 10th of October 2024

About the registration process

There are different stages in the registration process: pre-registration (online) within the deadlines established in the calendar and registration.

You can consult the registration call, in the menu on the right, to see the different procedures in detail.

Types of registration

There are different types of registration. The details of each of them should be consulted each year in the corresponding registration call, but generally they are:

  • Ordinary registration
    • Full-Time
    • Part-Time
  • Inter-university programme students
  • Foreign students on exchange programmes
  • Disabled students

You can also consult Practical guide for access to postgraduate studies for foreign students (in spanish)

Training activities

Pre-registration and registration in the training activities will be done through the virtual secretary's office of the student at the indicated deadlines:

First four-month period: from 16th to 23rd of October 2023
Second four-month period: from 11th to 18th of March 2024


Documentation and reference pages associated with the procedures


Further information:

Postgraduate Studies Management Service
Filomena Dato Building
As Lagoas, Marcosende, s/n
+34 986 811 950

Características básicas dos novos programas de doutoramento225.45 KB Procedemento para a tramitación de solicitudes de recoñecemento de actividades realizadas ao amparo de regulacións anteriores40.87 KB Impreso do Programa de apoio á integración de estudantes universitarios con necesidades específicas (Impreso PIUNE)439 KB APPLICATION FORM OTHER UNIVERSITIES UNISF (DOCT. SOCIAL SCIENCES AND AGEING)360.67 KB CANDIDATURE FORM OTHER UNIVERSITIES UNISF (DOCT. MATH.)360.65 KB