
Chica estudando na biblioteca


To deposit the doctoral thesis, please request access to and to the Postgraduate Area of the centre where the doctoral programme being studied is based.

The thesis will be deposited electronically through the virtual secretary's office.

Thesis revision form



  • You must be registered in the current academic year.
  • The thesis data will be entered directly by the PhD student in the TESEO database.
    Access to TESEO
  • An updated research plan must be evaluated and accompanied by a favourable report from the tutor and supervisor.
  • The title of the research plan, approved in the last annual evaluation, and the title of the thesis must coincide.
  • The updated activities document, with the corresponding annual evaluations and, if applicable, the compulsory training activities and other specific requirements of the doctoral programme's verification report.
  • Duly signed documentary commitment to supervision.
  • Investigo authorisation


The doctoral thesis

  • Once the thesis has been completed and after the report from the person or persons supervising the thesis, you must apply to the CAPD for authorisation to defend it. To this end, you will send to the competent academic area a copy of the thesis and the supporting documentation of the mentions that are not already included in the system.
  • Submit a copy of the thesis with the approval of the supervisor(s) in electronic format (PDF). This copy must comply with the current rules of style and the following models must be used:
  • Summary of at least 3,000 words in Galician or Spanish, if the thesis is not written in these languages.
  • Present all the required documentation in the case of applying for the international mention, the industrial doctorate mention, the co-supervision mention and/or a thesis that contains publications.
  • In the case of theses presented by the traditional modality (not by compendium of articles), according to the provisions of the Guide of good practices for the direction of doctoral theses, approved by the Permanent Commission of the EIDO in the session of 20/05/2016, it will be presented:
    • The declaration that no thesis chapter is an exact transcription of a previous publication.
    • If applicable, the corresponding authorisations of the co-authors of the articles submitted as appendices must be submitted.
  • In the case of theses subject to data protection, two versions must be submitted. A reduced version in which the contents affected by the duty of non-dissemination, secrecy or confidentiality will be eliminated, and another complete copy that will be kept on file at the University under the commitment of confidentiality. The reduced copy will be deposited for consultation by the scientific community and the full version will be given to the selection board for its evaluation.


Printed forms



The CAPD, after hearing the thesis supervisor (and/or, if applicable, the tutor), will propose a list of seven members of the examining board to assess the thesis.

All members shall be PhDs with accredited research experience or have completed their research at the time of application or a previous application.

The panel will be formed by a majority of members external to the university or institutions participating in the programme, and meet the requirements of parity and externality.

The panel will be appointed by the EIDO from among the specialists proposed by the CAPD and will be made up of three full members and two substitutes.

In the case that the thesis contains literally transcribed publications, the co-authors will not be considered external to the university for the effects of the limitation of one member per institution.


International doctorate mention

It will be accredited with the presentation of the following documentation:

  • 2 favourable reports prior to the presentation of the thesis from 2 expert doctoral persons belonging to a non-Spanish higher education institution or research institute.
  • Accreditation of a minimum stay of 3 months outside Spain in a prestigious higher education institution or research centre.
  • A letter from the thesis supervisor endorsing the stay.
  • A letter from the CAPD of the doctoral programme authorising the stay.

Part of the thesis (at least the introduction, summary and conclusions) must be written and defended in one of the usual languages for scientific communication in your field of knowledge, other than any of the official languages in Spain (with the exception of Spanish-speaking countries).

The examining board must include at least one expert from a non-Spanish higher education institution or research centre with a doctoral degree, this person will be different from the person responsible for the stay (the same conditions apply for the substitutes of the examining board) and from the external informants of the thesis.


Thesis including research articles

The doctoral thesis may contain a set of works that the doctoral student has published or that have been definitively accepted for publication. The University will recognise as a "thesis by compendium of publications" when, in addition to complying with the provisions of Article 41 of the Regulations for Doctoral Studies, the thesis includes a minimum of three research articles, published or with definitive acceptance for publication. The articles must be published in journals indexed in the list of the corresponding field of the Journal Citation Reports or, where this criterion is not applicable, it may be replaced by the bases listed by the CNEAI for these areas.

Additional documentation to be provided:

  • Report from the person/s supervising the thesis, with the approval of the academic committee of the doctoral programme, which must specify:
    1. The suitability of the presentation of the thesis under this modality.
    2. Indications of the quality of the publications presented.
    3. The contribution of the PhD student, if there are more co-authors.
  • Authorisation from the journal/publisher for the use of the publication in the doctoral thesis. In the case of not having this authorisation, the written acceptance of the co-authors that the doctoral student presents the work as part of the thesis. It is recommended that this be included as an appendix.
  • In the absence of authorisation from the journals, the PhD student will provide a publishable version of the thesis for the institutional repository Investigo, without the articles that do not have such authorisation. In this version, the articles will be replaced by their full bibliographic reference together with the direct link to the article. If the articles are published in open access journals, they can be included without any further reference.

The thesis must be presented according to the following structure:

  • Introduction
  • Objectives to be achieved
  • General discussion that gives coherence or unity to the different works.
  • Conclusions and common bibliography
  • Complete copy of the publications



  • Deadline for the deposit and public exhibition of the thesis: 10 working days during the academic year following the administrative review, during which time any doctor may consult the thesis or make allegations.
  • Due to the amount of documents and checks required in accordance with current legislation (R.D. 99/2011), it should be borne in mind that it may take several days from the delivery of the documentation until the deposit is made. Therefore, the deposit will only be effective once the entire dossier has been checked and once it has been published on the website and the interested party has been notified.
  • Approval by the Permanent Commission of the Eido, which authorises the admission of the thesis and appoints the examining board.
  • The president of the examining board convenes and the secretary will notify the date, time and place of the thesis reading at least 10 working days before the date of notification.
  • 5 working days after the day of the presentation and defence of the thesis for the submission of the documentation, for which the secretary of the examining board or the lecturer delegated by him/her shall be responsible.


Thesis reading and public defence

Grades: fail, pass, pass, notable, outstanding.
Mention cum laude, by secret ballot of the members of the examining board (requires unanimous positive votes).
Duration of the procedure: the public defence must take place within a maximum period of three months from the authorisation of the defence.


Application for the degree

After the defence of the thesis and the delivery of the minutes by the secretary of the examining board or the person indicated (this can be sent by internal mail or through the general registry of each campus), the student can apply for the doctoral degree at the postgraduate service by presenting:

  • Photocopy of the valid NIF (identity card)
  • Birth certificate if the student is a foreigner.
  • Copy of the entrance qualifications (only if the qualifications are not issued by the Universidade de Vigo) and originals for collation.


Industrial doctorate mention

The industrial doctorate mention will be awarded if the following circumstances are met:

The existence of an employment or administrative contract in a public or private sector company or by a public administration. It cannot be a university.

By agreement of the Standing Committee of 22 November 2017, the above requirement is specified as a minimum of two years full-time (or its part-time equivalent).

The thesis must be written within the framework of an official research project carried out in the company. This circumstance must be accredited and explained in a report that must be approved by the CAPD.

​​​If the project is carried out in collaboration with the university, there must be an agreement that regulates this collaboration, including the selection procedure for the PhD student.

Optionally, we will have a draft agreement for the development of an industrial doctorate. This agreement is signed by the company, the university and the PhD student. It is not compulsory, but it can be useful to regulate the aspects of industrial property, intellectual property and confidentiality.



Emotions - The Power of the Unconscious in Decision Making in Business Organizations 
Author: José Luis Duarte Miranda
Direction: Florentino Fernández Riverola
PhD Programme:  Sistemas de Software Intelixentes e Adaptables
DateFebruary 11, 2025

Data quality for optimum research vs. sustainable corporate  development
Author: Vítor Manuel da Silva Alves
Direction: Florentino Fernández Riverola e Jorge Manuel Ferreira Barbosa Ribeiro
PhD Programme:  Sistemas de Software Intelixentes e Adaptables
DateFebruary 11, 2025

Presencia, transporte y degradación de antibióticos de uso humano (Ciprofloxacina, Claritromicina y Trimetoprima) en suelos agrícolas
Author: Lucía Rodríguez López
Direction:  Manuel Arias Estévez e Andrés Rodríguez Seijo
PhD Programme:  Ciencia e Tecnoloxía Agroalimentaria
DateFebruary 10, 2025

Emotions - The Power of the Unconscious in Decision Making in Business Organizations
Author: Jose Luis Duarte Miranda
Direction:  Florentino Fernández Riverola
PhD Programme:  Sistemas de Software Intelixentes e Adaptables
DateFebruary 7, 2025

Data quality for optimum research vs. sustainable corporate development
Author: Vítor Manuel da Silva Alves
Direction:  Florentino Fernández Riverola y Jorge Manuel Ferreira Barbosa Ribeiro
PhD Programme:  Sistemas de Software Intelixentes e Adaptables
DateFebruary 7, 2025

Improvement of heat transfer and energy storage processes using nanoenhanced heat transfer fluids and PCMs
Author: Uxía Calviño Barreiro
Direction:  Javier Pérez Vallejo y Luis Lugo Latas
PhD Programme:  Física Aplicada
DateFebruary 7, 2025

La ergonomía y la inclusión laboral de personas sordas
Author: Luz América Martínez Álvarez
Direction:  María Ángeles Cancela Carral y Antonia Blanco Pesqueira
PhD Programme:  Creatividade e Innovación Social e Sostible
DateFebruary 7, 2025

Campus saludable desde la perspectiva de la vida activa, saludable y sustentable para la formación integral de futuros profesionales titulados de la Universidad Austral de Chile
Autoría: Vanessa del Pilar Obando Casanova
Direction:  Jose Maria Pazos Couto
PhD Programme:  Ciencias do Deporte, Educación Física e Actividade Física Saudable
DateFebruary 7, 2025

Evaluación de la contaminación ambiental en las masas de agua superficiales
Author: Raul Garzón Vidueira
Direction:  Raquel Rial Otero
PhD Programme: Ciencia e Tecnoloxía Agroalimentaria
DateFebruary 7, 2025

Generación de conocimiento en mercados financieros dinámicos con supervisión
Author: Óscar Barba Seara
Direction: Francisco Javier González Castaño y Milagros Fernández Gavilanes
PhD Programme: Tecnoloxías da Información e as Comunicacións
DateFebruary 7, 2025

Beyond Uniform Approaches: Exploring Stakeholder Heterogeneity, Dynamic Stakeholder Complexity and Value Creation through Dissonance
Author: Lena Bischoff
Direction: Xosé Henrique Vázquez Vicente
PhD Programme: Análise Económica e Estratexia Empresarial
DateFebruary 7, 2025

El Tribunal Multipuertas y su contribución a las políticas públicas integrales de acceso a la justicia civil y mercantil
Author: Marco Fandiño Castro
Direction: Esther María Pillado González
PhD Programme: Xestión e Resolución de Conflitos. Menores, Familia e Xustiza Terapéutica
DateFebruary 7, 2025

Bacterial inactivation dynamics and their relationship with ntimicrobial resistance
Author: Adrián Pedreira Bar
Direction: Miriam Rodríguez García e Xosé Antón Vázquez Álvarez
PhD Programme: Biotecnoloxía Avanzada
DateFebruary 7, 2025

Design of a new distributed Mist, Edge and Fog architecture in Beyond-5G environments for the Internet of Things
Author: Juan José  López Escobar
Direction:  Felipe José Gil Castiñeira y Rebeca Pilar Díaz Redondo
PhD Programme:  Tecnoloxías da Información e as Comunicacións
DateFebruary 3, 2025

La tradición linera gallega y su empleo en la pintura española
Author:  Andrea Fernández Arcos
Direction:   Laura Fuster López y Rocío Bruquetas Galán
PhD Programme:  Patrimonio Cultural
DateFebruary 3, 2025

Valorisation of bioactive compounds from Solanaceae crop by-products into novel nutraceutical ingredients
Author:  Mikel Añibarro Ortega
Direction:  Lillian Barros Bouçada y José Virgilio Santulhão Pinela
PhD Programme: Ciencia e Tecnoloxía Agroalimentaria
DateFebruary 3, 2025

Natural pigments recovery from bio-residues: widening the range of safe food colorants
Author:  Adriana Katherine Molina Vargas
Direction:  Lillian Barros Bouçada y Carla Susana Correia Pereira
PhD Programme: Ciencia e Tecnoloxía Agroalimentaria
Date:  February 3, 2025

Modelaxe e simulación numérica de procesos térmicos industriais. Mellora do modelado termofluidodinámico do tratamento térmico de temple por inmersión
Author:  Carlos Coroas Fombella
Direction:  Elena Beatriz Martín Ortega
PhD Programme: Métodos Matemáticos e Simulación Numérica en Enxeñaría e Ciencias Aplicadas
Date:  February 3, 2025

Cultivos de células en suspensión de Camellia spp. para la obtención de metabolitos secundarios de interés industrial
Author:  Pilar Esteban Campos
Direction:  Efrén Pérez Santin  y J. Pedro Mansilla Vázquez
PhD Programme: Ecosistemas Terrestres, Uso Sustentable e Implicacións Ambientais
Date:  February 3, 2025

Modelo de desarrollo sustentable vinculado al apiturismo en la provincia del Carchi, Ecuador
Author:  Marilyn Gabriela Herrera Jiménez
Direction:  María Ángeles Cancela Carral  y Rosa María Ricoy Casas
PhD Programme: Creatividade e Innovación Social e Sostible
Date:  February 3, 2025

Contributions to the promotion and monitoring of healthy habits through gamification supported by blockchain technology
Author: Juan López Barreiro
Direction: José Luís García Soidan y Luis Modesto Álvarez Sabucedo
PhD Programme: Creatividade e Innovación Social e Sostible
Date:  February 3, 2025

El comercio de vajillas finas en el noroeste de la Península Ibérica en época alto imperial a partir del estudio de las marcas de alfarero en terra sigillata
Author: Nerea Ruanova Álvarez
Direction: Adolfo Fernández Fernández
PhD Programme: Protección do Patrimonio Cultural
Date:  February 3, 2025

Evolución de la escultura contemporánea en España. Cuerpo, Afecto y Materialidad
Author: Andrea Davila Rubio
Direction: Francisco Javier Tudela Sáenz de Pipaón
PhD Programme: Creación e Investigación en Arte Contemporánea
Date:  February 3, 2025

Neurotoxic effects of glyphosate exposure in the striatum of rats: effects and mechanisms of action on dopamine release in vivo
Author: María del Carmen Costas Ferreira
Direction: Lilian Rosana Ferreira Faro
PhD Programme: Neurociencia e Psicoloxía Clínica
Date:  February 3, 2025

Modulared Production Of Xilooligosaccharides Through Innovative Enzimatic Technologies For Food Applications
Author: Andrea Rodríguez Sanz
Direction: María Luísa Rúa Rodríguez e Clara Fuciños González

PhD Programme: Biotecnoloxía Avanzada
Date:  February 3, 2025

Anacaona – resiliencia femenina a la ocupación europea en el Caribe: resignificaciones de la actuación femenina autóctona en la colonización de América Latina
Author: Tatiane Cristina Becher
Direction: Burghard Baltrusch e Gilmei Francisco Fleck
PhD Programme: Estudos Literarios
Date:  January 10, 2025

TREK channels and their physiological role in intracardiac ganglion neurons
Author: Ana Campos Ríos
Direction: José Antonio Lamas Castro e Patricia Isabel Rodrigues Monteiro
PhD Programme: Neurociencia e Psicoloxía Clínica
Date:  January 10, 2025

Peregrinações post-seculares: análise da procura turística do Caminho Português Interior de Santiago (CPIS)
Author: Pedro Ricardo Coelho de Azevedo
Direction: María Elisa Alén González e Xosé Xerardo Pereiro Pérez
PhD Programme: Turismo
Date: January 9, 2025

Ecosistema de herramientas inteligentes para brindar soporte en el diagnóstico e intervención dentro del aprendizaje en la escritura de niños con necesidades educativas especiales
Author: Luis Serpa Andrade        
Direction: Yolanda Blanco Fernández e Martín López Nores

PhD Programme: Tecnoloxías da Información e as Comunicacións
Date: december 20, 2024

Contribution to communication and radar technologies in automotive environments
Author: Luis Antonio López Valcárcel        
Manuel García Sánchez
PhD Programme: Tecnoloxías da Información e as Comunicacións
Date: december 19, 2024

El Camino Oculto. Relación entre el pensamiento estético de Samuel Becket, Anton Webern y Piet Mondrian
Author: Jesús Moares Lameiro        
Direction: María del Carmen Becerra Suárez

PhD Programme: Estudos Literarios
Date: december 5, 2024

One genome for two body plans: genomewide functional genomic and transcriptomic approaches to understand the genetic bases of fish metamorphosis
Author: Laura Guerrero Peña        
Direction: Josep Rotllant Moragas e Paula Suárez Bregua

PhD Programme: Metodoloxía e Aplicacións en Ciencias da Vida
Date: december 2,  2024

Targeting epigenetic modifications and gene expression in pancreatic cancer: antitumoral effect of combined therapies
Author: Immacolata Maietta        
Direction: África González Fernández e Rosana Simón Vázquez

PhD Programme: Metodoloxía e Aplicacións en Ciencias da Vida
Date: december 2,  2024

On the Development of a Comprehensive Damage Prediction Algorithm for Mixed-Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Conditions in High-Power Density Engines
Author: Javier Blanco Rodríguez
Direction: Jacobo Porteiro Fresco e Martí Cortada García
PhD Programme: Eficiencia Enerxética e Sustentabilidade en Enxeñaría e Arquitectura
Date: november 29, 2024

Wind gearbox power density increase via shot peening and superfinishing
Author: Rubén Carranza Fernández
Direction: Joaquín Baltasar Collazo Rodríguez
PhD Programme: Tecnoloxías e Procesos Avanzados na Industria
Date: november 28,  2024

Molecular Mechanisms and Phenotypic Diversity in Bardet-Biedl-Syndrome
Author: Carlos López Solarat         
Direction: Diana Valverde Pérez
PhD Programme: Metodoloxía e Aplicacións en Ciencias da Vida
Date: november 28,  2024

Tendencias Brexit vs. Europa en J.K. Rowling, modelo de corpus de Análisis Crítico del Discurso Multisemiótico-Cultural para la Literatura y sus Adaptaciones
Author: Maria Luz González Vinuesa        
Direction: Jorge Luis Bueno Alonso
PhD Programme: Estudos Ingleses Avanzados: Lingüística, Literatura e Cultura
Date: november 28, 2024

Outros olhares sobre a colonizaçao do Brasil: ressignificações do passado na literatura híbrida juvenil brasileira em diálogo com o livro didático de ensino de história
Author: Fernanda Sacomori Candido Pedro
Direction: Burghard Baltrusch e Gilmei Francisco Fleck
PhD Programme: Estudos Literarios
Date:  november 20, 2024

A música popular en radio e televisión: payola e playback como mediación audivisual
Author: Juan Carlos Regueira Rey
Direction: Benigno Fernández Salgado
PhD Programme: Comunicación
Date: november 13, 2024

An indicator-driven softwareto prevent terrorist attacks
Autoría: Alberto Caballero Díez         

Direction: Samantha Newbery
PhD Programme:  Xestión e Resolución de Conflitos. Menores, Familia e Xustiza Terapéutica
Date:  november 7, 2024

O photovoice na educação e profissão em Educação Social
Author: Lia Joao de Pinho Araújo         
Direction:  Xosé Manuel Cid Fernández e Liliana Xabier Marques de Sousa
PhD Programme: Ciencias da Educación e do Comportamento
Date:  october 31, 2024

Aproximación teórica y metodológica para la integraciónde la evaluación digital interactiva en el contexto escolar
Author: Eduardo Antonio Soto Rodríguez          
Direction:  Ana Fernández Vilas e Rebeca Pilar Díaz Redondo
PhD Programme: Tecnoloxías da Información e as Comunicacións
Date:  october 16, 2024

Contribución a la capacitación de maquinaria de propósito general que ejecute trayectorias para su trabajo en condiciones cambiantes, incluyendo su aplicación en entornos marítimos
Author: Diego Silva Muñiz                
Direction:   Julio Garrido Campos
PhD Programme: Ciencias Mariñas, Tecnoloxía e Xestión
Date:  october 11, 2024

Extracción sostenible de biocompuestos terrestres y marinos  
Author:  Tania Ferreira Anta                
Direction:  Noelia Flórez Fernández e María Dolores Torres Pérez
PhD Programme: Ciencia e Tecnoloxía Agroalimentaria
Date:  october 7, 2024

Efficiency, Coating properties, and Machining performance of thin films deposited using HiPIMS: an experimental analysis  
Autoría:  Andresa Baptista da Silva                
Dirección:  Jacobo Porteiro Fresco e Francisco José Gomes da Silva
Programa de doutoramento: Eficiencia Enerxética e Sustentabilidade en Enxeñaría e Arquitectura
Date:  october 3, 2024

Essays on Management Accounting in Public Higher Education Institutions - The Case of Portugal  
Author:  Paulo Alexandre Monteiro Gouveia Sanches                 
Direction:  Belén Fernández-Feijoo Souto e  Susana Gago Rodríguez
PhD Programme: Análise Económica e Estratexia Empresarial
Date:  october 3, 2024

Estudio del potencial alelopático del trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) y el trigo sarraceno (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench. y Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn.) para agricultura ecológica  
Author:  Yedra Vieites Álvarez                
Direction:  Adela María Sánchez Moreiras 
PhD Programme: Ecosistemas Terrestres, Uso Sustentable e Implicacións Ambientais
Date:  october 3, 2024


Virtual defences 

If you are interested in remote attendance, you should request access to the room through:

  • Thesis supervisors
  • Coordinators of the doctoral programme to which the thesis is assigned.
  • Eido management (

Forthcoming readings


Infancia y adolescencia en desprotección. Percepción de ex tutelados sobre el sistema, en Galicia
Autoría: Alba Moraña Boullosa               
Direction:  María del Carmen Verde Diego e Enrique Pastor Seller 
PhD Programme:  Xestión e Resolución de Conflitos. Menores, Familia e Xustiza Terapéutica
03​​​​​/12​/2024 | 10:00 h
Venue: Salón de Graos da Facultade de Ciencias Xurídicas e do Traballo

Monolithic InP Linear Multi-Quantum Wells Mode-locked Lasers
Author: Jiaxing Dong  
Direction: Francisco Javier Díaz Otero

PhD Programme:  Tecnoloxías da Información e as Comunicacións
04​​​​​/12/2024 | 10:30 h
Act of  defense on line

Aceites marinos como fuente de pufa omega-3 moduladores del daño oxidativo y la regulación redox en la corteza cerebral y cerebelo
Author: Francisco Javier Moreno Acea         
Direction:  Lucía Méndez López e María Isabel Medina Méndez
PhD Programme: Metodoloxía e Aplicacións en Ciencias da Vida
04​​​​​/12​/2024 | 12:00 h
Venue: Salón de Graos da Facultade de Bioloxía

El Trabajo Social como posibilitador de la vida independiente. Asistencia personal en España con una mirada a los derechos de la infancia
Author: Alexo Breogán Riobóo Lois                
Direction:  María del Carmen Verde Diego e Rubén González Rodríguez 
PhD Programme:  Xestión e Resolución de Conflitos. Menores, Familia e Xustiza Terapéutica
04​​​​​/12​/2024 | 11:30 h
Venue: Salón de Graos da Facultade de Educación e traballo social. Campus Ourense

Reduction of the environmental and health impact of hospital effluents through advanced oxidation processes
Author: Antía Fernández Sanromán            
Direction:  Marta María Pazos Currás e Emilio Rosales Villanueva 
PhD Programme:  Enxeñaría Química
10​​​​​/12​/2024 | 11:30 h
Venue: Auditorio del Cintecx

Experimental study on PVD DC Sputtering thin films: efficiency, coating properties, and wear tools performance on milling pre-hardness tools steels  
Author:  Gustavo Filipe Lopes Correia Pinto                 
Direction:  Jacobo Porteiro Fresco e Francisco José Gomes da Silva
PhD Programme: Eficiencia Enerxética e Sustentabilidade en Enxeñaría e Arquitectura
11​​​​​/12/2024 | 09:00 h
Lugar: Auditorio del Cintecx

Cisheteronormatividade, etnocentrismo, idadismo e prácticas de outredade en adolescentes
Author: Nazaret Blanco Pardo          
Direction:  María Victoria Carrera Fernández e Antonio González Fernández
PhD Programme:  Ciencias da Educación e do Comportamento
11​​​​​/12/2024 | 10:30 h
Lugar: Salón de Graos  Vicente Risco da Facultade de Educación de Ourense

La obra artística contemporánea en el espacio intersticial entre la fotografía y el cine: ficción, narración y tiempo
Author: Ledicia  Bellón Rey              
Direction:  María del Mar Rodríguez Caldas 
PhD Programme:  Creación e Investigación en Arte Contemporánea
12​​​​​/12​/2024 | 12:00 h
Venue: Departamento de Escultura. Facultade de Belas Artes

A política lingüística da Xunta de Galicia aplicada na educación non universitaria galega no período 2007-2012: unha aproximación aos discursos e ás actitudes cara aos decretos 124/2007 e 79/2010  
Author:  Mario Gradín Martínez               
Direction:  Ana María Iglesias Álvarez

PhD Programme: Estudos Lingüísticos e Innovación en Educación
16​​​​​/12/2024 | 11:00 h
Venue:  Salón de Graos da Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución

Aproximación teórica y metodológica para la integraciónde la evaluación digital interactiva en el contexto escolar
Author: Eduardo Antonio Soto Rodríguez          
Direction:  Ana Fernández Vilas e Rebeca Pilar Díaz Redondo
PhD Programme: Tecnoloxías da Información e as Comunicacións
16​​​​​/12​/2024 | 15:30 h
Venue:  Salón de Grao da Escola de  Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación

Live Subtitling in Spain: A Quality Assessment of Respoken and Automatic Subtitles on Spanish TV
Author: María Rico Vázquez         
Direction: Pablo Romero Fresco e Nazaret Fresno Cañada
PhD Programme: Comunicación
19​​​​​/12​/2024 | 10:30 horas
Venue: Novo Salón de actos da Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución

Mobbing: análise jurídica comparada entre o Direito português e o Direito espanhol  
Authora:  Solange Marilia Ferreira Lajoso              
Direction:  María Belén Fernández Docampo e Marta Fernández Prieto 

PhD Programme: Ordenación Xurídica do Mercado
20​​​​​/12/2024 | 11:00 h

Venue: Salón de Grados da Facultade de Ciencias Xurídicas e do Traballo

Desenvolvemento sostible nos espazos protexidos da Rede Natura 2000 de Galicia e as súas contornas
Author: Pablo Somoza Fernández                 
Direction:  Gonzalo Benito Méndez Martínez e Emilio Manuel Fernández Suárez
PhD Programme: Ecosistemas Terrestres, Uso Sustentable e Implicacións Ambientais
08​​​​​/01/2024 | 10:00 h

Venue: Facultade Ciencias do Mar

Strategies to improve the removal of organic micro-pollutants by synergetic technologies  
Author:  Imen   Ouiriemmi               
Direction:  María Ángeles Sanroman Braga e Marta María Pazos Currás
PhD Programme: Enxeñaría Química
10​​​​​/01/2024 | 12:00 h

Venue:  Acto de defensa telemático

Wind gearbox power density increase via shot peening and superfinishing
Author: Rubén Carranza Fernández
Directión: Joaquín Baltasar Collazo Rodríguez
PhD Programme: Tecnoloxías e Procesos Avanzados na Industria

10​​​​​/01​/2025 | 11:00 horas
Venue:  Auditorio do CINTECX

Evolution and Genomic Haterogeneity in Solid Tumors
Laura Tomás López
Direction: David Posada González
PhD Programme:
Metodoloxía e Aplicacións en Ciencias da Vida
10​​​​​/01​/2025 | 11:00 horas
Venue:  Sala de Audiovisuais da Torre CACTI/CINBIO

Molecular Mechanisms and Phenotypic Diversity in Bardet-Biedl-Syndrome
Author: Carlos López Solarat         
Direction: Diana Valverde Pérez
PhD Programme: Metodoloxía e Aplicacións en Ciencias da Vida
10​​​​​/01​/2025 | 10:00 horas
Venue:  Salón de Graos Edificio Ciencias Experimentais

On the Development of a Comprehensive Damage Prediction Algorithm for Mixed-Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Conditions in High-Power Density Engines
Author: Javier Blanco Rodríguez
Direction: Martí Cortada García e Jacobo Porteiro Fresco
Programa de doctorado: Eficiencia Enerxética e Sustentabilidade en Enxeñaría e Arquitectura
13​​​​​/01​/2025 | 16:00 horas
Venue: Auditorio do CINTECX

A expropriação por utilidade pública em Portugal e Espanha. Em particular, os desafios jurídicos no campo da indemnização
Author: Francisco Manuel Pires Urbano da Costa Calvão
Direction: Rafael Fernández Acevedo
PhD Programme: Ordenación Xurídica do Mercado 
13​​​​​/01/2025 | 12:00 horas

Venue: Salón de Graos da Facultade de Ciencias Xurídicas e do Traballo

Literatura y música. El mito de Carmen
Author: Leonardo Blanco Novoa  
Direction:  María del Carmen Becerra Suárez  
PhD Programme:  Estudos Literarios
14/01/2025 | 11:00 h

Venue:  Salón de Graos da Faculdade de Filoloxía e Tradución

Un enfoque interdisciplinar para la gestión de las cadenas de suministro: decisiones financieras, cultura organizacional y políticas de sostenibilidad
Author: Luis Manuel Lozano Lozano         
Direction: Antonio Sartal Rodríguez e Xosé Henrique Vázquez Vicente
PhD Programme: Análise económica e estratexia empresarial
16/01/2025 | 10:30 h
Venue:  Salón de Graos da Faculdade de Ciencias Económicas e Empresariais

O proceso teatral no Teatro Comunitario
Author: Irene Moreira Fontán
Direction: Carmen Luna Selles
PhD Programme: Estudos Literarios
17​​​​​/01​/2025 | 11:00 h
Venue: Salón de Graos da Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución

Retórica de los políticos españoles en Instagram
Author: Dragana Djordjevic
Direction: Aurora García González e Beatriz Martínez Rodríguez
PhD Programme: Comunicación
24​​​​​/01​/2025 | 12:00 h
Venue: Salón de Graos da Facultade de Comunicación. Campus Pontevedra


Consult the database of doctoral theses



Frequently asked questions about theses

No, it must reflect the thematic scope of the thesis, but it may be modified during the development of the thesis as long as it respects the aforementioned thematic scope. Its modification will imply the modification of the Research Plan and will require the positive assessment of the person tutoring or supervising the thesis (authorised profile) and by the Academic Committee of the PhD Programme.

If the dedication is full-time, the maximum is three years (with an extension of one year and, exceptionally, an additional year up to a maximum of five years).

If it is part-time, five years (with a two-year extension and, exceptionally, an additional year up to a maximum of eight years).

The minimum duration of the doctoral studies will be 18 months, both full-time and part-time, which will be counted from the admission of the doctoral student until the submission of the application for the deposit of the doctoral thesis.

No, it isn't. Once the thesis is on public display, no changes can be made.

No, sick leave does not count. The doctoral student may ask the CAPD for a temporary leave of absence from the programme due to illness, pregnancy or for any other reason provided for in the current regulations for a maximum period of one year, which may be extended for up to one year. 

The public defence must take place within a maximum period of three months from the authorisation of the defence by the body designated by the doctoral school (CAMPO Standing Committee), except for duly justified reasons. If this period is exceeded, the procedures for authorisation of the thesis for its defence must be started again. 

The CAPD, after hearing the thesis supervisor (or, if applicable, the tutor), is responsible for proposing the thesis examining board. It will propose a list of seven members of the examining board who will assess the thesis. The Standing Committee of the Eido will approve and appoint a panel of five members from among the seven members proposed by the CAPD. These members will comply with the criteria of parity and externality and the proposal may not include more than two members per institution.

In the case of theses submitted as a compendium of publications, the co-authors of the publications cannot be members of the panel. The same applies if one of the chapters is based on an article already published as an appendix to the thesis. Nor may the person responsible for the stay be a member of the examining board.

The thesis must include a minimum of three research articles, published or with definitive acceptance for publication. The articles must be published in journals indexed in the corresponding field of the Journal Citation Reports (SCI and/or SSCI). In areas where this criterion is not applicable, it may be replaced by the bases related by the National Commission for the Evaluation of Research Activity (CNEAI) for these areas.

University teaching staff may sit on doctoral thesis examining boards even if they are on leave of absence, retirement, special services or on secondment.

The law stipulates that thesis must be published in open access. However, in case of conflict, it is possible to request a postponement of the open publication of the thesis. This problem does not exist in the case of theses that are a compendium of articles, because the work has already been accepted for publication and this is stated when the thesis is published.

Yes, it is possible as long as all the requirements established for each of them are met. The company in which the PhD student works must agree that he/she should carry out a research stay of at least three months in a foreign centre.

Yes, by sending a pre-enrolment application for each of the programmes applied for. If you are admitted to more than one programme, you can only register for one of them.

PhD theses may be supervised by any Spanish or foreign doctor with accredited research experience, as long as they are authorised by the Academic Committee of the PhD programme. If they do not belong to the programme (consult the human resources in each doctoral programme), they must have a tutor within the programme

Yes, as long as the Academic Committee authorises it, for justified reasons, after hearing the PhD student and the supervisor(s) and co-supervisor(s). 

TESEO is a database with information about the doctoral thesis. The Ministry of Education's website is set up to allow future doctoral candidates to enter their thesis data into the system. The system will control the different steps the thesis goes through and, once the thesis is approved, it will be stored in the system so that it can be consulted. 

This is the person who, as the director or tutor of a doctoral programme, is in charge of transferring to the computer application and managing the different activities provided by the students for their activity document and research plan. 

The thesis may be co-directed by a maximum of two people, provided that there are academic or interdisciplinary reasons or that it is developed in national or international collaboration. Co-direction requires the authorisation of the CAPD.

Only in the case of co-supervised theses or industrial doctorates.

We do not have a form. Each institution issues its report in a document that must identify the university or research organisation issuing the report by its logo, a description of the thesis and the signature and stamp of the institution. These reports must be in Spanish, Galician or English so that they can be understood by the evaluators.