Katia Rolán González
Profesor/a contratado/a de substitución
Curriculum Vitae
Dr Katia Rolán holds a BA in Psychology (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2011), an MA in Work and Organisational Psychology, Legal and Forensic Psychology and Social Intervention (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2014) and a PhD on "The reformulation technique in mediation: theoretical review and experimental analysis" (Universidade de Vigo, 2021). She also obtained a Specialist Degree in Civil and Commercial Mediation (Universidade de Vigo, 2015), as well as an Expert Degree in Affective Neuroscience and Clinical Psychology (Universidad de La Laguna, 2018) and a Specialist in Criminal Mediation and Restorative Justice (UNED, 2013). Dr Rolán worked as a mediator in conflict situations for the Courts (Pontevedra, Santiago and Ourense) between 2015 and 2019. She was also a member of the Ethics and Deontology Committee of the Official College of Psychology of Galicia from 2017 to 2021. She has been a part-time research assistant in several research projects funded by the Universidade de Vigo and funded by the Xunta de Galicia. She has carried out research stays at the Instituto Universitario de Neurociencia of the Universidad de La Laguna. Moreover, she has participated in national and international conferences on Psychology and Language, as a panellist, chair and guest speaker by invitation. She has also been involved in scientific and organising committees.
Titulación | Materia | Nome | Carác. | Horas |
O05G220V01 | G220202 | Estatística: Estatística aplicada á investigación social | FB | 15 |
O05G220V01 | G220901 | Avaliación de programas sociais | OP | 45 |
O05G220V01 | G220403 | Psicoloxía: Métodos e técnicas de investigación social | FB | 14 |
O05G130V01 | G130901 | Avaliación de programas socioeducativos | OP | 60 |
Titulación | Materia | Nome | Carác. | Horas |
O05G130V01 | G130901 | Avaliación de programas socioeducativos | OP | 45 |
O05G220V01 | G220202 | Estatística: Estatística aplicada á investigación social | FB | 15 |
O05G220V01 | G220403 | Psicoloxía: Métodos e técnicas de investigación social | FB | 17 |
O05G220V01 | G220901 | Avaliación de programas sociais | OP | 45 |
Titorías presenciais concertadas
O docente ten unha oferta de titorías presenciais concertadas durante o período 1º Cuatrimestre (2024/2025). Para concertar unha cita podes facelo fundamentalmente a través do correo electrónico ou dende a túa Secretaría Online.